STAR-STRUCK residents have continued to respond to reports of a strange bright star.

Rochelle Kvalsvig of Kokstad said that about two months ago, while looking toward the Chengwan Mountain between 5.30 and 6 pm, she too saw a bright white light with a red dot underneath it. It was there for at least four days, then just vanished.

Mandy Park of Pelham said that just before 9 pm on Monday, looking to the right of the Moon, she saw a bright object with what looked like rays of light shining out around it.

“At first it seemed to be standing still, then towards the centre of it I saw the flickering of a red light. I called my friend to come and have a look.

“We watched it for at least 10 minutes and it then started to move forward; then it looked as though it hovered and turned around and started moving in the opposite direction.

“We then noticed that it was moving higher and then it looked as though it was getting smaller and started to disappear. For one brief second, we could glimpse a green light that appeared just before it started to move.”

Her friend, Eve Armstrong, corroborated the account, saying that she was enthralled to see the bright white light from Dalry Road. “We are very curious also to have more information about this UFO — it definitely wasn’t a plane or a star.”

Ajesh Srikissan also saw the bright star-like object on Monday. “It seemed to be moving. At 7 pm it was white, big and radiant. By 8.30 pm it seemed smaller and more yellow. By 9 pm it had vanished.” — Witness Reporter.

CRAIG Fleming said he too saw the light above the city last week, and it evoked memories of a previous starry event covered by The Witness.

“… I remember like it was yesterday standing on the back verandah of my parents’ home, looking over to Montrose and seeing the exact same, constant bright light. It never moved or flickered and I remember coming out to the verandah a number of times that night to see if it was still there, which it was.

“I was not sure what the light had been and a few days later your paper, then the Natal Witness, ran a story on the strange light, asking residents if anyone else had seen it and speculating on what it may have been.

“I have never forgotten that light I saw or the story you published about it.”

We think Fleming may be referring to reports published in January 1993 on three consecutive days.

“Hovering light perplexes city residents” on January 12 told of a celestial object “far too bright to be an average star” and “partly red”. On January 13, “Hovering light still a mystery” appeared.

The last word? “Mystery light may be Mars, says resident”.