Interview with Ghost Hunters' Kris Williams
4:01 PM
Posted by Philip Walter
LM: You did an episode of Destination Truth with Josh Gates. Are there any plans to do that again?
LM: Your the most prolific Tweeter I know - a lot of the GH team tweet, is that something you decided to do on your own or is Syfy's big push to get all their stars on Twitter the reason?
KW: Actually Jason and Grant started it. They began telling me you should really get on MySpace and then Facebook and then Twitter. So I started checking them out. MySpace was just too chunky but Twitter is very easy and I really like it. I can retweet and answer people immediately. A lot of times I'll get the same questions from several people and I'm able to answer them all with one tweet.
LM: You've been teasing your followers on Twitter lately about a big secret -- When will you be doing the big reveal?
KW: I don't know yet -- I can't say until I get the go ahead.
LM: There has even been a hashtag created for the secret #KrisBigSecret ...
KW: Yes, it's funny, I've been getting all kinds of crazy guesses.
LM: Which was your favorite?
KW: (laughing) Oh, there was one about starting a new reality show called 'Kris' new BFF' where you would have to learn to shoot, ghost hunt and sing a Doors' song in order to win.
LM: Speaking of the Doors, I hear you'll be joining a Doors tribute band in New York City. How did that come about?
KW: A mutual fan of the Doors tribute band and I got us together. Some of my other interests are that I'm a huge Morrison fan. I'll be doing the one appearance with them and we'll see New York goes.
LM: Will you be singing?
KW: (laughing) Oh god, no. I only sing to people I want to torture.
LM: Here on the blog I like to give you and Amy a hard time about sitting around a lot. Is it an editing thing where the clips they choose to include in the show of you, you just happen to always be sitting or is it really your ghost hunting technique?
KW: When we get to a location I like to wander around and explore. We'll try some debunking first, but we do a lot of EVP work and for that you really have to be as still as possible so sitting is the best way to achieve that, that way we aren't bumping into stuff or making noise that we have to tag (on the recording) for later.
Read the whole article here
Read the whole article here.
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